Political Psychology Research, Inc.
March 1, 2007
1. How to Complete Questionnaires on the PPRI Web Site:
Beforehand: Login to any web-connected computer where you can "surf" the web and receive e-mail sent to your regular e-mail address. If you have web-mail (like G-Mail, Hotmail or Yahoo) any web-connected computer will do. If you always read your e-mail in Outlook (or similar desktop-based e-mail), then you'll probably need to use the computer at which you normally receive e-mail. Although it can take about 2 hours to complete the surveys, you can stop at any time and log in later to finish. The computer will save your partially completed surveys for later completion.
You may wish to print out these instructions and refer to them while online.
Once you're online:
- In your web browser, go to www.politicalpsychologyresearch.com
- Click on the grey "Help do research" tab in the upper middle area of our home page, just below our contact info in the page header.
- Following the directions in the "What To Do:" section, first click on large number "1" to register.
- In the New User Sign-up form (that should follow your click immediately), fill in the form and click the "Submit" button to create a login account.
- Our server will then send an e-mail message to the address you provided containing your PPRI web site user login name and password.
- Read your e-mail (sent to you from CustomerService@politicalpsychologyresearch.com, PPRI's online hosting provider)
- To login, you can simply click on the link in your e-mail. In the browser window that opens up, the user name and password fields will be pre-filled for you, so you can just click the "Go" button in the login form to log in.
- NOTE: we use a random initial password, so you'll probably want to change your password to something that's easy for you to remember (and hard for others to guess). To change your password, just click on the "Change my Password" link near the bottom of the page that appears immediately after you log in (The just-after-login page has a heading "Select a Survey to take:"). Look for the " your login name Account Options" section near the bottom of the page. Changing your password is optional. If you're only logging in once or twice to take these two surveys, you can simply refer back to your e-mail from the server and use the link there as many times as you need to log in.
- In either case, once you're logged in, you'll see a small table (currently with just two surveys in it) and a heading "Select a Survey to take". You can only take one survey at a time, so click on the circle to the left of the survey you want to take next (most people do #1, then #2, but you can take #2 first if you wish). #2 is shorter.
- Having clicked in the circle (sometime called a "radio" button) next to the survey of your choice, next click the "Begin" button immediately below.
- You will then be guided through a number of survey pages of questions. Take your time to carefully indicate the answers most appropriate for you and reflective of your honest opinions. The tops of each page let you know what the questions are about and how to record your responses. At the bottom of each page are buttons you can select when you're ready to go to the next page ("Continue"), if you want to go back to the previous page ("Back") or if you want to stop and come back to your survey later ("Pause").
- If you do decide to stop part way through a survey and return to it later, click the "Pause" button at the bottom of any page of the survey. Your responses up to that point will be saved. When you next log in, you'll be able to select your partially completed survey from a list of surveys you've started or completed and then click a "Resume" button to continue the survey from where you left off.
- For best security and privacy, please remember to use the "Log Out" link at the bottom of the main page after you're done or decide to pause, especially if you're using a public computer. If you've left the main page, simply click on the "Login Session" tab to return to the main page.
- When you complete the last page of a survey the next page provides a button to click for a report about your responses.
- You can also look at reports anytime from the main page by selecting a completed survey and clicking the "Report" button.
- You can print out your Report, if you wish, for future reference.
2. Returning to PPRI's Web Site
After your first session, you may wish to return later to take more surveys or review your survey scores. In your web browser, simply go to www.PoliticalPsychologyResearch.com and click on the "Login Session" tab near the top right of the page. From there you can login with your user name and password. If you forget either of these click on the "Forgot password" link on the login page and follow the directions to have your login info sent to you by e-mail.
3. Getting Support
Should you have technical problems with the survey web site, please send an e-mail to support@politicalpsychologyresearch.com or telephone Marc Baber at The Bot Works: 359-2258 for support. Thank you for participating in this project!