“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” |
--Sir Winston Churchill |
Political psychology research, Inc. is a 501©(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is research in political psychology to educate the public and guide them in more effective government activity.
I am a psychologist in private practice and have been since 1972. I have specialized in clinical psychology, organizational and industrial psychology and, since 2003, also in political psychology. I have developed expertise in measuring human attitudes and traits and have capitalized on this skill to study literally scores of psychological traits related to political attitudes.
I publish my research findings on this website, on the Publications Page, which you can access above. I also submit articles to journals for publication but have found this is a very tedious and slow process. Therefore, I make my research findings available by presenting research papers at conventions, especially those of the International Society of Political Psychology, of which I have been a member for many years, and by publishing my research reports on this website.
I have also recently published a book of my political psychology research findings which is available on Amazon in paper and Kindle formats for very affordable prices. The title is Party Time! How you can create common good democracy right now. (Author William McConochie). You can access this book by going to http://amzn.com/B00OOZPA8O. This book is written for the intelligent lay reader, including college students. It includes a study guide that can be used by students in college classes or by book club members. The book is in three sections, ending with a detailed model for creating a new type of political party that bases its party platform on sophisticated periodic opinion polls of samples of the general public and of political party members. The party grooms its candidates for elective office and funds their campaigns exclusively from party member dues. Candidates running for office agree by written contract to accept no money from special interest groups and to promote only the party agenda, not their personal agendas, when running for office and while in office. You can go to the Amazon website, and review the table of contents and in the first few pages read four reviews by persons who have read the book and found it interesting. The book preface is by Sam McFarland, professor emeritus of Western Kentucky University, and a past president of the International Society of Political Psychology. He has heard me present papers at ISPP conventions and has considered my research visionary
I think it is extremely important that citizens appreciate the difference between common good democracy and special interest group democracy. Special interest group democracy serves special interest groups that make money in the short run without enough concern for the common good and the long-term welfare of the human species and of the planet. Common good democracy puts the welfare of the whole community ahead of short-term financial profits.
In the fall of 2015 I inadvertently discovered some very disturbing information that accentuates the urgency of making transitions to common good democracies. The details of this discovery are on this website as publication number 44. Briefly, the data shows that human intelligence is declining and at a disturbing rate. Within as few as 37 years, the average human IQ could drop from its current level, an IQ of 100, to an IQ of 70, which is at the top edge of the mental deficiency range. The species would then no longer be intelligent enough to maintain society as we currently know it. The apparent most probable cause of this decline is air pollution, specifically toxins released by industry, especially exhaust from internal combustion engines that are damaging the human brain. Support for this assumption is based on review of literature from a wide variety of sources, including the World Health Organization, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency of the state of California.
For example, studies show that children attending schools that are closer to expressways have lower cognitive functioning than those further from expressways. Similar problems are manifested in elders who live in facilities closer to expressways. Children in Mexico City perform less well cognitively than children in towns outside of the heavily polluted city. The autopsies of dog brains from these two communities show more toxins in the brains of dogs from the city.
I hope you find my research reports and my book interesting. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss the implications of my work or how we might collaborate.
Best regards,

William A. McConochie, Ph.D.